The matrix is a word familiar with two streams, streams that is complement to one another, math and computer programming. If you are reading this article, then there will be two reasons, if you have watched the movie, or if you are a computer programmer. But let me assure you that even if you haven’t programmed before, you are going to like this one. I am also a computer programmer, a programmer who don’t like math but just programs. Programmers like me become hackers or a teacher who know program but doesn’t know how to create a mathematical equation or algorithm that create a giant software or system. I like the programming because of its intellect and its philosophy. Our computer programs show us a great future in it. Yeah I agree that every engineering stream has their specialty. But still computer programming is very different from others. And me and people like me are the reason why. We are not interested in solving very large algorithms, but we love to solve our large programs with some small mathematical functions. We use the functions that others have written and we create very different and great things. Whatever one programmer writes every other programmer can use it, well obviously it happens in every stream, but programs are not objects, they are intellect. They are the philosophy or wisdom of some other person which you can use without even knowing how he did that. Now this makes the difference. No material in the world brings the others intellect in you, until unless you make him your teacher, observe him for so many years and then maybe you can get what he think and how he think. But in programming you don’t have to cause your program will inherit it and all you have to do is to click compile and then run, or you can install your codes in some machine and the machine will do the job.

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