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Should we change our measurement of development?

Most of the world leaders have said that the youth of any country decides where the country will be in the next ten years. Youth power makes their country strong from inside. If the youth is awake then country is awake. Youth power can push all the boundaries, no chain can stop them. Because they are fearless, brave and most important focused. Every country's youth power decides where this country will stand. 
   The reason that I am writing this is that I want to change some convention in the world. The measurement of development, those who don't know about how we calculate the development process let me tell you some methods. All of this measurement are based on average of a handful data, and they calculate it then for creating some bigger data. I have read a book of sir Abdul Kalam , here is how he had explained the development process, -
"What makes a country developed? The obvious indicators are the wealth of the nation, the prosperity of its people and its standing in the international forum. There are many indicators regarding the wealth of a nation: the gross national product (GNP), the gross domestic product (GDP), the balance of payments, foreign exchange reserves, rate of economics growth, per capita income, etc. In addition, the volume of trade, the share in international trade(both imports and exports)and rate of growth in both of these also provides an idea about the strength of economy and its ability to sustain the wealth created and to create more .Economic indicators are important, but they provide only a part of the picture, The numbers, impressive though they may appear, can veil considerable human misery, especially that of the common people, in this context, I and rajan have often discussed something I observed during my stint at the defence research & development laboratory(DRDL), hyderabad. I came across three persons there who became in my mind points of reference that called me back unceasingly to certain issues. Venkat had two sons and a daughter. All were graduates and employed. Living in the same area was kuppu who had tree sons. He succeeded in educating oniy one. He lived in a rented dwelling.Karuppan had two daughters and one son. He was semi employed. Could not educate any of them because of poverty, and had no regular dwelling place. Was it not possible for him to merely give a normal life to his offspring and not an unrealistic or extraordinary one? A reasonable lifespan, an occupation that would provide them basic comforts and good health care? This is our dream of a developed India."

So I think we should leave the old measurements and should start viewing world on a different scale. Let me give you a small example of average system flaw,-
Presume that there are ten person in the city. If the average of their wealth is a million, what do you think how much money each of them would have. 1 Million * 10 = ten million. Is that seems right, no its not. There can be five very poor or middle class, maybe the other five who are rich can have more than a million. So this is the problem of the average it gives you appropriate statics but never gives you precise results. We are still aware of GDP and GTP, while there are still some poor in our city who cannot eat properly.
                           For our current government they are working nice in both direction. I hope they will be able to fill the gap between poor and rich and also grow our development at the same time . 


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