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#climate Change in #paris

To those who don't know about it, let me tell something to them. This Climate change has been started by some 'Developing' and 'Developed' country to save the earth. Our earth has temperature of 15 degree celsius. If it will go beyond seventeen then half of the world would sink into ocean. cause the ice glaciers which are situated on the both south and north pole of earth will melt and lots of people will die.
              According to Bloomberg company's survey and many more surveys , we have found that our environment gets overheat because of carbon emission. There are many more cause, but the biggest one is carbon emission. Most of developed country has it a lot, but now as science has grown we have some better options in the name of SOLAR ENERGY and WIND ENERGY.  We have these options and we are also searching for more. As I was reading all of thing I found a post of BILL Gates Sir on  Facebook  He wrote, "Wherever access to affordable energy goes up, so does the quality of life. But that energy also has to be clean.That’s why we need to invest in energy innovations:"
 So that's why our research and discovery should be clean which would save our world rather than produce the side effects which kill million people.
                I also want to salute FRANCE for showing their guts, that no matter what the situation was, it was the matter of security few weeks ago there was an terrorist attack and still they organized this great event to save the world. They have showed a massive courage and we all should give thanks to them.
     We all can play our part in #CLIMATE change. We can use bus rather than using our own vehicle. Stop throwing things on road and create bad impression. These are very little steps but if large amount of people will do little then that little thing will also become large. We all belong to this earth and this has served us for so many years. Now its our turn to save the #earth and also save ourselves. Sow lots of plants and trees as much as you can. Don't waste electricity. And if possible do switch of the whole electricity of your home for an hour. There are so many steps that we all can do to save our earth. We need to take this steps now and bring the earth temperature back.
                                                         All countries's leaders have promised that they will reduce carbon emission as much as they can. And they will also adopt other options of producing electricity. We all know no one single can do it. We all need each other in making this even successful. So I want to request all of you to please save #EARTH

Thank you


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