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Application programming Interface (API) (Operating system Vs Human nervous system)

 There are mostly two kind of interface we discuss, when it comes to Operating systems. Initially, when computer were came in the market, there was only one, it was Application Programming Interface which is also referred as API. This definition I got on Google :-
           "API, an abbreviation of application program interface, is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. The API specifies how software components should interact and APIs are used when programming graphical user interface (GUI) components."
IF you have used old model windows or unix then you would probably know how frustrating it was to use non-graphical applications. While we use API this help us creating a Graphical interaction with users. So people would know that this a media file and this is a text file. This made computer very easy to use without even knowing how to program a computer or how to give commands. We actually design a layer of upper thing, obviously no one cares how the strings and files are storing the data, or the computer machine which only understands 0 or 1, how it became able to understand everything that we understands. Now I can go in a lot of details that we need a lot of mechanics inside computer to create such interface. But I am not writing an Operating system books. Now let's compare it to human behaviours. 
           Humans also create an interface or you should say personality to interact with different people. When you meet similar person everyday you interact them extrovertly. Well I agree that it depends, there are also some people who never talk to anybody, keep all the secrets inside their heart. And there are also some people who interacts extrovertly to unknown's also. So all of this things extrovert or introvert, it all depends on how we want to. Basically what I am saying is, that we all need a layer. For instance take an example of human body, inside we have schelton meat or other so horrible things, which may seem intimidating if they will come outside. In computer language we call it abstraction. This 'ABSTRACTION' allow us to interact easily. It make us comfortable. 

MIND USES- Let's see it in different view, suppose you want to solve a math problem how do you solve it. Normally adding one number into another, but have you ever thought how your nervous system works while you were solving that problem. The answer is 'NO'. Nobody thinks. So this is the benefit of API and GUI programming, and this is the connection between our life and computer's way of interaction. 

Thank you for reading. 


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