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Navratri (Nine days of faith)

Navratri is famous and important festival of our country. This festivals reminds us how powerful a women can be. My mom's health is not so good this time so she ordered me to read the book "Durga Saptashati". So I began. Initially the books seemed tedious to me. But later when I put some of my logic into it. I found it interesting. In the beginning Argalastrot, and many other chapter are there. These initial chapters tells you the brief powers of Maa. Through the first three chapter I learnt how hard it can be to defeat a woman, when she comes in your competition. Once our lord Shiva named Parvati maa  "Maha Kaali". After that we all knew what happened, if you don't you should ask Google.
       Next when the story of Saptshati began, it began like a novel. In the beginning a King who used to had a very large kingdom. But some enemies of his made a unity and they beat the king. King lost his other kingdom that he had won. And finally he had only one kingdom left, which was his own. But then some of his ministers began to resist and finally the king loose the entire kingdom of his.
  Then he went to the jungle found a saint. He asked saint," why I still think of my kingdom, even I know that I no longer have it." Then the saint began to tell him about goddess Durga. How she came in existence and how she put us in these kind of troubles to test us many more things.
                                                            What I am here trying to say is that all of our books can be very interesting and also full of wisdom. But we have been told these things in different manner. And that is why most of modern Indian youngsters don't like these books. But actually these books has so many knowledge by which we can make our new India. Western countries whatever achieved they have achieved it by their own culture and knowledge. And we should also search for our own technology and knowledge. We can find all these things in our Vedas and ancient books.
                    Now I think I should talk something about Navratri too. My mom , and also most of moms of India have fast for nine days. My mom lose her strength of speaking on very first day. It is the story of every year. Still she keeps her fast. My mom is a pure Indian woman. I have heard most of times from modern girls that they will not stay hungry for their husband, It is backward thinking. But my mom never eat before my father does. And I am proud of it, not because its religious, but it is love and respect of my mother's towards my father. That she never likes eating before my father do. So she never break ancient rules, not because she has been forced, but because she believes that our ancestors were not fool to make such rules. And sometimes I feel awkward with her superstitious things. But it makes comfortable, so I do what she says. Nine days she has faith that on the tenth day we will have solved our most of problems through the help of goddess Durga. And it actually happens if you find a nice place to stand in Dussehra mela. ;) .
                                    Anyways, on the ninth day when you need 9 girls to feed. The actual problem begins. But my mom selects some poor girls. And they are very easy to find in Anpara. On the main gate of mandir. Well whatever happens we enjoy it together. We prepare it together, we all gather in the evening to have Sandhya Arti. And then we all meet. That is the beauty of Indian festivals. We all meet and connect through this. Our ancestors have created a real facebook and it is our festivals. It connects us with faith, enjoy. So now I want to put stop here. Happy Navratri to all of you. :)


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