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Indian Philosophy (Hindutva)

First of all, let me clear it that 'Hindutva' is a Lifestyle not religion. Why you need an Indian Philosophy and Hindutva Lifestyle? let me ask you some question for that.

1- Do you want to stay healthy?

2- Do you want to look good?

3- Do you want to be smarter?

4- Do you want to be Happy?

Hindutva Lifestyle is the answer of above four questions. Our ancestor's philosophy debates for Life, Religion, Nation, and also on so many other important topics of world, has brought the conclusion that is Hindutva. We need not to criticize but acknowledge it. Some people don't like Hindutva, especially those young kids, who appreciate west culture. They like western culture because it allows them to do whatever they want. In western culture they put individual's on top, they think that a man/women can find its way, there is no need of guidance. I also like some rules of western people. But every religion has drawback, but every lifestyle does not. And Hindutva is a lifestyle, it never force anybody to do something superstition, or wear Indian cloth, and it never defines that women should stay inside the home only.

Hindutva came from our books, Vedas,Gita and many more religious books. As we all know Gita teaches us so many life tricks that help you to solve your daily life problems. Let me give you some examples. Geeta says that if you have conquered your mind entirely then it becomes your best friend, but if your mind is controlling you it becomes your greatest enemy. Of course, we all actually know what to do with our life. We all know it in depth. But like you cannot anticipate the depth of ocean from just scratching on its surface, so does in life. You cannot know depth until you bothered for just scratching the surface. You gotta go in details. Our Vedas says that yoga's are very important not just physically but also mentally. Whenever you do meditation, it gives an exercise to focus on your work, on your problems. In vedas, we like to dedicate whatever we have done. This help us to stay down to earth. Vedas teaches us to respect elders and stay with your family. Because in your dark days those elders and family members can shine to provide you some lights. And when it comes to women, then let me tell you that so many lines of vedas have been written from so many women. The women who were technically strong, we call them 'VIDUSHI Mahila". So it also proves that our vedas also suggest that our women should be educated. Now the biggest problem come as poverty. So vedas also have suggestions for that. Every single person should only keep the absolute amount of money. He should donate the rest of all to those who cannot earn. Because he can earn it again with his skills, honesty, perseverance and hard work. Only those who has doubt on his abilities, keeps the extra money. When our world will able to understand the importance of humanity, they will not care for money. And then world will become a better place.
                                            I still don't have enough knowledge of vedas and Hindutva. But those who has it can make you understand it nicely. Now that I have explained how you can gain physically and mentally access to your body through yoga and Hindutva, let me answer the above four questions. 

Do you want to stay healthy?  Do you want to look good?

Healthy terms covers the both mentally and physically. As I have mentioned above how important it is to control your mind. And I also have explained a bit how you will control it, didn't I . Ohhk Then I will explain it now. Before this let me also inform you that I am inspired by Swami Vivekananda's book "The Powers of Mind", which I had posted on my blog.  Our brain is like a power which always tries to run on its own. Even if you know what you want to do , sometimes your mind didn't pay that much attention there where you want it to. I always believe that knowledge is not about just gaining, it about making yourself able to gain it. What I want to say is that, you need to train your mind to stay focused. And it depends what kind of focus you want. Let me explain this. Like the musician, likes peaceful place, because it gives them full control to think. The one who want to do hard work, like people who do gym, they need rocking music to cheer them up. So making yourself able to gain what you want is the real knowledge. And this is how you will be able to gain knowledge for you mind and body. And this is how you will stay healthy forever. I have read in Swami Vivekananda's books once, that nothing could happen to us until we want. We always contribute 50 % in whatever happen to us. Don't give that 50 % if you don't want that thing to happen to you. For example, sometimes even when you know that by eating fast food you will gain weight or loose your health, still you go for it. But when you will be able to control your mind you will ignore it very easily. You can control your mind by practicing meditation. You don't have to remind god or anyone if you don't like. Just close your eyes and let it go. Try to remember that one thing or memory or person that please you the most. Then you can concentrate well. 
 I think I cleared it nicely. ;) 
I will explain the next two question in next blog thank you. 


  1. "It is not at all paradoxical that true freedom [...] requires and results from tremendous discipline"

    Robert Spiess


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