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How computer programming shapes our world.

"Everybody in the world should learn how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think."- Steve Jobs

I like to learn computer science. As the time passing, computers are becoming more necessary to each field that exist in the world. Computers or any machine that do its work automatically or smartly, is made of codes. Codes that has been invented from computer programmer. These codes tells computer or machine to do everything what we want. So actually we are communicating to machines via a computer language that is called codes. Communicating machines are more interesting that communicating people. People are wicked, idiot, lovely, beautiful, bloody ful and many more types. Not everyone will listen you. Even my little brother never fetch me a glass of water. Apart from that communicating with machines are far more different. It hears everything you ask from it. It do everything as you say. But in proper way. And for that you need to learn computer programming. 
              As I have mentioned the above quote of Steve jobs sir, I would say that anybody can learn programming without going in Btech college.Now you will ask how would I know? I know because I myself is an example for that. I started programing 1 and half year ago. Now I know enough to write an article on it. 
                             Each programming languages has examples of real world. programming basics starts from yes or no. If yes then flow the current if no then not. Computer does not understand yes or no, so scientist developed binary codes 0 or 1. If the current is flowing, its one if its not then 0. So this is how it begans. But when I started learning and find out these things, it became tedious to me to learn these things. But finally I learnt.  And later I found some interesting things. I found some web sites that teaches you computer programming in some intersting way. First of all I found this video.
  Code.ORG is an organization which teaches computer programming online for free. I also found some softwares, which are interesting and knowledgeable also at the same time. 
                                                                                                       The reality is that our ministers and teachers have created our studies hard to understand, not because its hard but because they've created it tedious task for us. They put these things in front of us like a boring lecture and all that. But how cool and funny could studies be, we have no idea. Actually knowledge should not be in just school's class room. It should be everywhere and it should be for everyone. Most of children in India cannot attend a school because of money. And the one who joins government schools are equal to illiterate. So Basically what I am saying is that it should be free. And website like are nector for them. 
      So programming is based on some logics. Logics you all would have studied in 5th standard. You can use your normal math logics into your program to make it do great jobs. I know that not everyone likes to do math. But you can add 2+2 that equals to four. Or you can call a function to work. You don't have to create those function. There are range of functions. That will work for your program. 

"The biggest misconception in people mind is that to learn programming you got to learn this big data. But believe me all you have to do is to start small."- Mark elliot Zuckerberg

So all you have to do is a small start. It will take you to some giant steps. And you will learn how to turn your small things into giant by just some keys of your keyboard. 
There will be large need of computer programmers in upcoming future. Get ready


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