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Lucy(The first woman of the world)

Lucy is a Hollywood science fiction movie, and Lucy was the first woman in the world. This movie was all about us, our work our achievements our thinking and so on. This movie starring by Freeman, and Scarlet Johnson, Both have done amazing job. There is also a drugs which named CPH4, it is showed in the movie that large amount of this drug allowed Lucy(Scarlet Johnson) to use his 100% of mind, and then she does lots of thing that normal people cannot do.
                                               Before that Lucy was a simple girl, used to very much concerned about her future, just like other teenagers. She has friends, family everything, out here in china she came from america for studies. She had a party and then her friend was giving her a work to pass the suitcase inside the hotel, and when she goes inside, the problem began. It was CPH4 drugs inside that suitcase and those gangsters cut her stomach and put the drugs packet inside. Somehow later that packet tore in parts and the drugs came out and that did the work. After 20 minutes she started using 28 percent of her brain capacity. And then she called a physician(Norman Freeman). She read about her imaginary theory, that men cannot
access 100 percent of its brain, or we are not allowing ourselves to do it. Whatever we have achieved from the beginning of human species till now, we have  achieved it by 10 percent. He also believed that there is only one creature in the world, which uses its brain capacity more than 10 percent. It is Dolphin, It is founded that Dolphins can send electronic messages to their co relatives or friends via there mind, so they interact with each other without having any voice. So this measured as 20 percent of its brain capacity.
                                                        When Lucy called the doctor, he was shocked, Lucy was able to control his TV phone refrigerator by sitting miles away from him. Lucy was actually confused to what to do with such great power, and she also knew that she will die very soon, so she wanted to use her power in appropriate way. Doctor told him to think about time, how it changes how it works and all that. She said that she will reach to him very soon. And she took flight. When she met him, she told him that one plus one does not makes two, and no maths and science exist except
time. She given example of a Car, she showed a picture where car was speeding, and then it reach to a speed where it was impossible to watch. So this showed that if the time exist we exist if we beat time then we don't exist. She converted her whole knowledge into a tiny pen drive. And then she went invisible. A man came inside and asked,"Where is she?" very next his phone received a message and it was written that "I am everywhere." :)

Thank you for reading 


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